All Non Buy Side Participant Tickets are now Sold Out.
When you register your team, your name will initially appear on each ticket purchased. You'll then receive a follow-up email with instructions on assigning passes to your colleagues. You can do this at any time up until five days before the event. To ensure you receive these emails, please unblock the senders and before registering.
Stuff you really need to know:
- Cancellation Policy: Because we are in the live event experience business, please be aware that we have a strict cancellation policy. Unfortunately, we cannot provide refunds but will issue a 90% credit voucher for any cancellations received in writing not less than twenty-two (22) days prior to the conference. You also have the option of transferring the registration to a colleague, without any extra charge. We do this because we are committed to providing a quality conference for ALL participants including attendees, speakers and sponsors. The minute you register for our event, we undertake the overhead costs of hosting you onsite. We look forward to having you join us at the event just as much (if not more!) as you look forward to being there. WBR reserves the right to cancel a delegate’s attendance at any time, for any reason. If WBR cancels your attendance, you will be entitled to a full refund of the fee paid.
- Buy Side Passes: ‘Buy side’ firms are any end user client who have AUM on their books and do not have any trading clients – so buy side firms are asset managers, hedge funds, mutual funds, insurance companies and pension funds.
Any firm that have trading clients of their own- sell side tier 1, 2 and 3 banks, broker dealers, prime brokers, prime of primes, ETF providers (including asset manager ETF issuers), technology providers, platforms and venues- do not fall into the definition of a ‘buy side’ firm.
- Accommodation is not included in the above price packages, but we have secured a special discount rate at the hotel for our attendees. Once registered, you will receive your hotel discount code from our customer service department.
- Fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, cocktail receptions and conference documentation.
- Questions? Give our customer service team a call at (+44) 207.368.9576 or email them at
- You can review our full cancellation and substitution policy, as well as data protection guidelines here .
- *Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer or invoice - please note, a $69 processing fee will be applied for bank transfer and invoice payments.