InvestOps USA 2025

March 10 - 12, 2025

JW Marriott Grande Lakes, Orlando

Walter Joyce

Head of Investment Services TIAA

Day 2 | 12th March

10:35 AM Panel: Breaking Down Operational Siloes: How can you leverage the latest operational tools and platforms to pioneer a culture of cross functional collaboration between teams and boost operational performance through shared objectives and metrics?

  • How can you build a roadmap for effective cross-functional collaboration that works for your front-to-back set-up? 
  • How are closer levels of collaboration enabling your Ops team to drive higher levels of performance and what have been the outcomes of taking a more collaborative approach?  
  • What tools and platforms can you equip your Ops function with, to break down operational siloes and take a more collaborative approach towards manual tasks? 
  • How can you implement performance metrics to best measure output and use these insights to create a plan that drives continuous improvement across your operations function? 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Walter.

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