InvestOps USA 2026

March 09 - 11, 2026

JW Marriott Grande Lakes, Orlando

Jason Baldesare

VP Enterprise Strategy FIS

Jason Baldesare is a Vice President in the business and solutions strategy team within the Capital Markets business at FIS. In this role, Jason is responsible for supporting the definition and execution of the businesses’ global strategy and growth objectives across both the Buy and Sell side. In addition, Jason leads M&A and strategic product initiatives across the Capital Markets business liaising with broader FIS teams in both the Banking and Payments and Merchant divisions. Prior to his current role, Jason was a Partner in the SunGard consulting business. Jason’s financial services experience is in the areas of asset management, private equity, and fund administration. In addition, Jason has deep functional experience in cryptocurrency and digital assets, process improvement, lean transformation and supporting clients through large change and transformational programs. Prior to FIS, Jason held senior roles in the financial services practices of Booz and Company and other management consulting firms.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jason.

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