InvestOps USA 2026

March 09 - 11, 2026

JW Marriott Grande Lakes, Orlando

Darren Thomas

Senior Vice President, Regulatory & Compliance Business S&P Global Market Intelligence

Darren Thomas Senior Vice President, Regulatory & Compliance Business at S&P Global Market Intelligence Darren Thomas is Senior Vice President of the Regulatory & Compliance Business at S&P Global Market Intelligence. Darren leads the S&P Global Market Intelligence platform business, which includes Counterparty Manager, Tax Solutions, and Broker Research, Sales & Trading. In keeping with our vision of driving efficient solutions and services for customer regulatory compliance, he leads our journey towards a next generation platform. Darren has launched several new products and innovations over the past few years, including Outreach360 for client and regulatory outreach, Tax form validation utility, Onboarding Accelerator, and Legal document digitization and automation. He has over 20 years of experience in driving technology change and helping firms efficiently adapt to global regulations. Prior to joining the company, Darren worked at both Barclays and UBS where he ran Futures, OTC clearing, led regulatory change programs, and ran business functions across Operations and Technology. He began his career as a management consultant at PwC focusing on Manufacturing & Pharmaceuticals. He has been active in industry organizations and previously co-headed the ISDA Credit Derivatives Implementation Working Group during the financial crisis. Darren holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering from Cornell University and received his MBA from the University of Georgia, both United States.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Darren.

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